X-omics Privacy Policy

This privacy policy applies only to the information we collect from you through the Xomics website (referred to as "the website" below) (e.g., this privacy policy does not apply to information you may provide to us through telephone, fax, or regular mail).

Personal Information

The term "personal information" as used in this privacy policy refers to any information about you that you may provide to us when using the website, including but not limited to your name, contact information, gender, date of birth, and position. The website does not collect financial information from you.

Third-Party Use and Disclosure

When we share and disclose your personal information: (1) we ensure that third-party recipients handle personal information confidentially and take necessary administrative measures and technical measures to protect information from loss, misuse, unauthorized access or disclosure, alteration, and destruction; and (2) we only use or disclose and share your personal information for the following purposes:

  • To assist in website course management, security maintenance, and feature development.
  • For scientific research purposes.
  • To monitor violations of ethical standards, terms of service, and other abusive or potentially abusive behavior on the website.
  • To send you updates about online courses or other events.
  • To verify your identity when issuing course completion certificates.
  • If you are participating in any form of training organized by BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute), and the training requires your participation in a specific course, we will transfer information about your learning activities in that course (access time, frequency, test scores, course assignments, and information or content submitted on pages for public communication) to the training organization for the purpose of assessing training performance and results.
  • As required by law, regulations, legal procedures, or mandatory requirements of government authorities.
  • For other purposes as described in the relevant terms of this privacy policy.
Modifying the Privacy Policy

Please note that we may review and modify this privacy policy at any time and will prominently publish it on the webpage. After the modification of this privacy policy, any modification will take effect immediately upon publication on this page, along with the updated effective date. By accessing the website after any modifications have been made, you agree to the modified privacy policy and all other modifications to the website.

Privacy Concerns

If you have privacy concerns, have disclosed data you wish to keep confidential, or wish to access information we hold about you, please contact us at: xomics@genomics.cn

Effective Date: June 20, 2014